Saturday, 2 October 2010

Billy: Teaser Trailer Textual Analysis of [REC]

Teaser Trailer

The video starts with the diagetic sound of walkie-talkie static and chatter over a blank screen with the studio logo that flickers like it has some kind of interference wit it this suggests the paranormal and fits the feel of the rest of the teaser the sound connotes an emergency or police or fire fighters which is related to the main content of the teaser.
The transition to the next shot is done as if the camera has just turned on which suggests the film has an ammeter element to it and is trying to portray it as real
The shot is cantered and the colours are mainly black and white this is immediately unsettling for the viewer the figures shot are in shadow and are not immediately recognisable as friendly leaving the viewer still feeling unnerved.
The camera angle is corrected from the cantered position but still retains the hand held ammeter feel the mise en scene suggests the that the men are firemen as they enter the light in a two shot the setting seems to be a darkened house the sound is entirely diagetic such as the walkie-talkie and a scream adding to the realistic feel the teaser is trying to portray, both fire fighters look up showing its from upstairs this connotes immanent danger, it then flickers to a black screen with white writing on that reads “last year Spanish emergency services  received over 23 million calls” the text slowly emanates towards the viewer, the non diagetic sound of dial tones is heard over the top to illustrate the “call” element, there are clearly three digits to the number which suggest an emergency call which denotes distress.
The teaser then cuts to a tracking shot of the fire fighters running up the stairs presumably to investigate the scream the shot is hand held or steady cam so is wobbly maintaining the first person, ammeter element to the filming suggesting its real and un-staged. The mise en scene is a darkened stairwell.
There is a cut to another black screen with white writing
That reads “ the firemen of Barcelona attended to 15,003 incidents” this use of facts almost makes the teaser feel like it’s for a documentary again the non diagetic sound of a telephone it is ringing this time building up tension as it is someone waiting on an emergency call. The filming never really strays further than a medium close up which makes the scene feel claustrophobic therefore making the viewer uncomfortable it also doesn’t give away to much information. The shot of the firemen hurrying up the stairs in the same manner continues there is another there is another black screen that reads “fires: 4,171” the delivery of this text is a lot faster which also builds tension and reflects the emotions of the characters as they near the source of the scream the non diagetic ringing continues. The next shot is a bird’s eye view shot from over the banisters looking down the spiralling stairwell and the firemen ascending them the camera is moving which suggest it is a point of view shot this hints there is someone waiting up there for them the high angle also suggests the firemen are powerless, one of the men look up as if he has noticed whatever is looking down on him. Another black screen flickers on reading “rescues: 4,059” again with the ringing, then the firemen reach the floor they want to one tunes towards the camera as if looking for reassurance this shows they are scared the camera is close p to him showing they are all huddled together. A black screen reads “other: 6,768” this way of braking down information is hinting at and building up to a climax of some sort. The next shot is a close up tracking shot of a fireman walking towards the camera he is looking around with his torch, suddenly the trap door in the ceiling swings open with a the camera pans around to see it but there is noting there this is a false climax moment in order to keep audience members on the edge of there seat and to further the build up of tension. The meise en scene is a darkly lit apartment.
The final blank screen appears and reads “unclassified: 4” the screen goes fuzzy and the number 4 is subtly changed to 5 connoting that what we are witnessing on screen is an example of an unclassified case meaning the film has a paranormal element to it.
The screen flickers to a canted shot of a small figure in a doorway which we find out is a little girl later she is lit from behind from the slightly ajar door opening she is nearly all in shadow but you can till make out he legs and she is standing completely still which is unnerving as she dose not react the fire fighters presence the fact is canted makes it more unsettling. The firemen cautiously walk towards her and non-daigetic music is playing which is like a drone connoting tension, danger the camera tracks close behind in a two shot placing the viewer in the scene the girls face remains in shadow making viewers expect the worst is yet to come, suddenly the girl springs to life and screams as a bright light tilts onto her face revealing her to be pale with black eyes in the short glimpse we get before a black screen cuts in with the title of the film “[REC.]” which is designed like the graphic seen on video cameras reflecting the hand held point of view nature of the filming in the film there is a non diagetic beeping sound that is synchronised to the flashing of the red dot of the film logo which is tracking towards the camera much in the same way as the “facts” used previously.
The teaser trailer ends with the deathly looking girl screaming and struggling against the firemen who seen to be trying to hold her back the camera work is shaky and is braking up is shown from all the movement a black screen reads “coming soon” and the audience would feel relieved that what they think is the “scary bit” is over when a flash of the girl lunging at the camera and head butting the camera is shown to finish it, this is cleaver because it leaves a lasing image of the film in peoples minds but manages to obscure any detail thus retaining the films mystery.
I think this teaser trailer is simple but affective and definitely has the desired affect on viewers.

Billy Waterworth

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