Monday, 10 January 2011

Diary Entry of The Progress of 'Devil's Orphan' (Daniela Interviews Tamika)

10th of January 2011

Reading back at the last diary entry that I wrote,I feel that in terms of progress and meeting deadlines we have failed dramatically. Theres no plausible excuse for our lack of organisation and failure to maintain regular updates on our blog. What has set us back is finding a suitable place to film and finding actors to star in our teaser trailer. Personally I have found it difficult to prioritise my time with media as I've been mostly focusing on revising for upcoming exams; hence why a minimal amount of blog updates have been made by me. I interviewed one of my team members Tamika, to see how she felt she was doing.

Daniela: How do you feel you've been doing so far??

Tamika: Well, I feel that I've involved myself quite well in terms of filming, as me and Billy have been taking it in turns. I've discovered that within the team I am probably the most able one on the camera, as shots that Billy has found difficult to film, I found fairly easy. 

Daniela: Do you feel that there has been any set backs that are preventing you from pulling your weight in the team??

Tamika: I come to lesson and I feel that I'm not doing much to my ability and when I do go home I don't do any media work, because of the amount of homework, course work that I get given from other subjects.

Daniela: What do you think that you can do to improve this and how??

Tamika: I should manage my time more in lessons and at home; I would do this by making a timetable and sticking to it.

Daniela: Do you think that the group is working well as a team??

Tamika: Yeh I do, because everyone is involving themselves and have set things to do. But the fact that we are all friends tends to cause a lot of distraction, we lose focus by laughing and making jokes when at the time we should be working. 

Daniela: Has there been any times where you have felt that you haven't been listened to??

Tamika: No, because I feel that in the team we all listen to on another and take into consideration whats been or being said.

Daniela: Has there been any friction within the group, if so what have you done to prevent this from escalating??

Tamika: I wouldn't really say that this was a form of friction but it could have caused problems within the group if it was to continue. At the beginning of our filming, I felt that an individual was just too laid back and wasn't involving themselves within the group. For example, when we were taking the equipment to the filming location the individual was not helping out at all. Luckily this laziness and lack of involvement didn't continue, it just stopped without us even approaching the individual.

Daniela: Are you optimistic about this project and happy with the people you are working with??

Tamika: Yeh I' am and to be honest I'm happy with the people I'am working with, because even when we do mess around we always get back on track.

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